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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  30-May-2008 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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NMI 104K15 Ni1
BCGS Map 104K097
Status Showing NTS Map 104K15E
Latitude 058º 56' 31'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 132º 40' 24'' Northing 6535917
Easting 633880
Commodities Nickel, Magnesite, Opal, Gemstones Deposit Types M : ULTRAMAFIC/MAFIC ASSOCIATION
M07 : Ultramafic-hosted talc-magnesite
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Cache Creek
Capsule Geology

The Nahlin fault, which trends northeast and dips steeply to the northeast, juxtaposes the Upper Mississippian to Permian Nahlin ultramafic body of Cache Creek Complex, to the north, with Lower Jurassic Inklin Formation (Laberge Group)sediments to the south. The sediments are comprised mainly of a thick sequence of shales and siltstones.

The Nahlin body peridotite and serpentinized peridotite forms rough weathering, reddish brown knobs. The peridotite is green to black and hosts discrete crystals and crystal clusters of pyroxene ranging from 0.3 to 1.3 centimetres across.

Adjacent to the Nahlin fault network the peridotite has been carbonitized producing bright orange weathering outcrops. Ankerite is the principal carbonate but veins of pure white, microgranular magnes- ite and dolomite are also present. Milky quartz with some magnesite also line vugs and cavities within this peridotite. A meshwork of chalcedony veins with chalcedony and opal stringers are common in the fractured, carbonitized peridotite.

The peridotite is variably quartz-carbonate altered (listwanite) and traces of secondary fuchsite (?) and bright green nickeliferous chlorite are common. Traces of millerite and veins of magnesite are hosted by sheared and carbonated serpentinite. The serpentine exposures are generally irregular pods surrounded by partially serpentinized peridotite.

In 1981, Chevron Minerals Ltd. staked the Goat claims that covered the Geological Survey of Canada nickel showing (Map 1262A). In 1982 Chevron conducted geological mapping and sampling which lead to the discovery of a massive sulphide vein (104K 067) and gold-silver bearing argillic zones in the intrusive rocks. No mention of the nickel showing is made.

In 1989, Tahltan Holdings Ltd collected a total of 10 heavy mineral samples and 22 rock samples and a mapping program was conducted on their Yeth claim which appear to cover the Goat showing as plotted on MINFILE. However, no mention of the nickel showing is made.

In 2005, geological field reconnaissance mapping and rock sampling (29 samples) was carried on the Fall property, consisting of eight claims in the northern part of the Kizmet project area, a joint venture between Barrick Gold Inc and Rimfire Minerals Corporation. The Fall claims covered the Waterfall (104K 067), Ho (104K 111) and Goat (104K 046) showings. No samples were taken at the Goat during the program.

EMPR EXPL 1982-400
EMPR ASS RPT 10701, 19376, 28090
GSC MEM 362, pp. 40-42,52,53
GSC MAP 6-1960; 1262A
GSC P 74-47, Fig. 2
Chevron File